Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy Independence Day!

 We've been celebrating since 8am this morning when we lined up to watch the community parade! 

Some of our friends helped make this Sponge Bob float, so we had to go see it in the parade!

 There was lots of candy, which got a big thumbs up from Declan.

 After the parade, we went to the Superior Pancake breakfast and festival. There were jumpy houses, rock climbing, games, live music and more! 

 I think he liked the pancakes, but Declan wouldn't stop chewing to give me even a little a grin.

 Declan didn't make it too high on the rock climbing wall, but he gave it a good effort! So much fun and we haven't even seen any fireworks yet.
Happy 4th!!