Saturday, February 22, 2014

Bubbles are the Best! 2/17/14

Ahhh, every so often we get a taste of Spring and out come the bubbles!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

'Super Harrison' to the Rescue! 2/12/14

 Recently, Harrison built this awesome little LEGO airplane for Fuzzy to fly around in (it uses 'Panda Puffs Cereal' as fuel and even has a little fuel drawer); and then today, he donned a dishtowel (clipped it with a chip clip) and transformed into 'Super Harrison' and his faithful sidekick Fuzzy!! It was adorable.

My New Cleaning Service - 2/10/14

 On Monday, Harrison and Declan suddenly decided, all on their own, that it was time to clean the house! I'm pretty sure Harrison was in charge and not giving Declan much of an chance to opt out, but they really did a good job and lasted a long time. They cleaned the glass doors, TV screen, kitchen floor, and kitchen table! They weren't free cost me 26 cents. If only this happened every day!

I managed to get a cute little snippet of their hard work:

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Dino-Valentine Cookies - 2/8/14

 Okay, so my last post went on and on about how great the cookie decorating was at Williams-Sonoma today...and it was, but then we tasted them. Not so great. Harrison, Declan, and I felt we deserved some TASTY Valentine's Day cookies, so we made our 'little boy's version' of Valentine's Day cookies. Dino-Valentine cookies! What little boy wouldn't prefer dinosaurs instead of hearts for a valentine cookie? Plus, it was lots more fun for Declan to play in the flour and splatter it all over his face than just add frosting to an already-baked cookie. When I finally made him take off his sweatshirt, he just rubbed the flour on his tummy. He may love to bake, but he is a little boy above all!

Valentine's Day Cookies - 2/8/14

Williams-Sonoma had a free kid's cookie decorating  class this morning and Harrison and Declan didn't have to think twice about whether or not they wanted to go...they were there! Both had a lot of fun, but Declan especially loved it. After we left he kept telling me the cookie class was "Great!!". He was very proud of his cookie.

 Instruction time lasted about five minutes and then it was time to pile the decorations and frosting onto the cookies! It was funny, because the teacher gave very precise directions about how make the perfect Valentine's Day cookie that no child in the world would follow. But, Harrison and Declan were right up at the front hanging on every word...or maybe they were just waiting for the cookies to be handed out!

This is serious business.

 Turns out that this was just Phase 1.  The decorating continued long after I thought they were done.

 Can there ever be enough frosting, sprinkles, and candy on a cookie for a 5- and 3-year-old?

 Declan proclaimed, "Perfecto!", when he finished his masterpiece. He is such a character!

The Masterpiece.

Friday, February 7, 2014

The LEGO Movie - 2/7/14

There was no school today, so we took advantage of our freedom and headed straight to opening day of "The LEGO Movie"...complete with popcorn, candy, and lemonade! The movie was great and it was a fantastic outing away from the chilly weather.