Thursday, January 29, 2015

Becoming Yoda - 1/29/15

 'Star Wars Mania' is in full swing at our house these days. Harrison and Declan love battling with light sabers, buildings stars wars lego sets, and yes....even pretending to be Yoda (or and other character).

"Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is"  -Yoda (Attack of the Clones)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

King of the Castle - 1/24/15

Declan entertained himself yesterday by building a 'castle' out of every canned good he could find in the pantry. He was very proud of his work!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Super Declan - 1/20/15

 Declan decided to become a superhero today. 
Super Declan to the rescue!!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Yesterday, we celebrated New Year's Eve with a super fun day out with our friends, Lydia and Gwyn, and their mom and grandma. We met for breakfast in Old Town Louisville, then went ice skating at the Winter Skate rink and took a horse and carriage ride. Even though it was cold, the sun was shining bright, so it was a perfect winter day. After ice skating, we spent the afternoon snacking and sledding at Lydia and Gwyn's grandma's house.  It was a fun end to a fabulous year!