Sunday, February 22, 2015

'Snow' Much Fun! 2/22/15

 It's been snowing on and off for the last two days and Declan is ready to hit the sledding slopes with Kevin! Harrison has a cold, so he was sad that he couldn't go, but Declan was in heaven when he stepped in the deep snow in our back yard!

"Where did my legs go?!"

Sunday, February 15, 2015

"Happy Birthday, Fuzzy!" 2/14/15

 Valentine's Day is also Fuzzy's birthday (the day Harrison got him), and Harrison would NEVER forget Fuzzy's Birthday! So, we had a party to celebrate Fuzzy turning 5 this year! There were cupcakes (shaped like a bone), presents, party favors, and a mini pinata full of candy.
Happy Birthday, Fuzzy!
Harrison loves you very much.

Harrison invited all of Fuzzy's best friends.

Harrison made Fuzzy's birthday wish for him. 
He said that Fuzzy would want to wish "to be alive".

 We had fun taking instant photos and adding borders.

 Harrison made Fuzzy all kinds of cards and gifts, and also bought him his very own stuffed animal.

It may have been a bit silly, but that's what we love around here!
 We had lots of fun and made great memories!

Happy Valentine's Day! 2/14/15

-- from our little love bugs.

Friday, February 13, 2015

'Charlotte's Web' - 2/13/15

 Harrison and Declan were off from school today, so we took advantage of the time and went to see 'Charlotte's Web' at the Children's Theatre in Arvada. We all loved it! Plus, it was the first time I have seen Declan so engrossed and interested in a live show. He was stretching his little neck around to see everything and clapped and clapped at the end!

 After the show, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and played at the awesome playground area outside the theatre.

 Me and my 'cutie-pie' valentines. 
Aren't I a lucky lady!

In order to get this picture, we had to let Harrison and Declan wear our sunglasses because the sun was too bright for  them. 
Fun, Fun day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Barbershop Duo - 2/11/15

Harrison and Declan have been in serious need of haircuts, so this time we decided to try out a barber shop in Old Town Louisville. They sat one after the other in the barber chair and enjoyed every minute, with no kids movies playing, or toys to play with, or 'junk' being sold. The barber shop was just as much fun as the themed children's salon, and it had much better prizes! The barber gave them each a Hot Wheels truck, a lollipop, a great haircut, and big smiles!

 Declan loved his new haircut!

Love is in the Air! 2/10/15

 Yesterday, we had a play date at Chik-fil-A with Harrison's preschool sweetheart, Lydia, and love was in the air. There were valentines, cookies, and lots of laughs!

Harrison and Declan did a great job decorating the cookies!

Lydia's valentine.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Construction Work - 2/8/15

 A Brazilian friend of ours brought these tiny building blocks back with her from Brazil as a gift for Harrison and Declan at Christmas time. They have been having a blast buildings tiny little creations with them! 
Disclaimer: I did help with this one. Declan wanted to build EXACTLY what was on the box. Much to my dismay, it was simply created to be knocked down!