Thursday, January 31, 2013

Declan's First Trip to the Dentist - 1/30/13

 Declan went in for his very first dental check-up yesterday! He did a wonderful job letting the dentist examine and clean his teeth. He seemed to be having fun and I think it made him feel grown-up. He kept showing everyone his clean teeth once he was done!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday at the Zoo - 1/27/13

 It was 60 degrees today....a wonderful, sunny day in Colorado! So, Harrison, Declan and I headed to the zoo to see what all the animals were doing on such a nice day!

 Our little navigator. Harrison loved looking at the map.

 The water puddles were not to be missed by Declan. He ran and jumped in every one he saw!

 Watching the sea lions. The two sea lions were actually fighting and barking when we walked up, so that was a little bit of excitement we weren't expecting.

 The polar bears seemed to be Harrison's favorite attraction. We got to see them swimming, playing, and growling!

 Our lunch date with a peacock!

 This elephant joined us at our lunch spot, too.

We rode the carousel and the train!

Auto Engineers - 1/26/13

 Harrison and Declan (and me) have been having tons of fun making cars and trucks with their 'Magformers'. I love these things! They are strong magnets, that come in various colors and shapes, that kids can use to make endless numbers of creations. 

Shark Attack! 1/26/13

Harrison and his new bedroom decor! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Good Day for a Ride - 1/22/13

Aside from a little wind, today turned out to be a very pretty day -- especially for January. So, Harrison and Declan took their bike out for a ride around the block. Declan is dying to figure out how to ride it. He jumps right on and tries with no hesitation, but still has some progress to make. And, Harrison is doing great and glides really well! 

Little Builders - 1/22/13

Last night was family night at Chik-fil-A, and Home Depot was hosting a free workshop for kids. Harrison and Declan built (and painted) firetrucks at the restaurant and then added the finishing touches today. The firetrucks turned out great and they each got a certificate and a pin for attending the workshop!

Little Scientists - 1/14/13

 During our visit to the Science Museum a week ago, Harrison and Declan picked up a little excavating kit so they could try their skills at uncovering mysteries hidden beneath the surface. Getting started was the most challenging part.

But, Declan was really interested in getting to the hidden object inside once we got a little hole started. And eventually, he uncovered a harbor seal!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Adventures at the Science Museum - 1/13/12

Today, we all headed for the Denver Museum of Nature and Science for a fun indoor outing away from the cold. 
These guys don't measure up very well against the dinosaur images!

 A look at Nana, Harrison, and Declan in Ancient Roman times.

Today was the very last day for the exhibit 'A Day in Pompeii' at the Denver museum and the entire country before all the artifacts head back to Italy. Nana and I spent a few hours in Pompeii, while Kevin took Harrison and Declan to see an IMAX movie called 'Under the Sea'.

 Many frescoes were uncovered beneath the ash in Pompeii.

 'Ovens' used for cooking.

 A water cooler. 
Apparently, the water tasted terrible, smelled of rotten eggs and contained lead. No wonder there was a great wine industry!

 Cosmetic items used by the women of Pompeii.

 More kitchen items used for cooking.

 Coins used by the people of the region.

 One of the Gods they believed in.... this one would have been displayed outside a blacksmith's shop.

Putting a dinosaur puzzle together with Daddy in the 'Discovery Zone' area for kids.

In the 'Discovery Zone', Harrison and Declan also learned about African instruments, music, and rhythms...then Harrison participated in a parade around a small area of the museum. 
It was a fun way to spend a cold day!!