To kick off Memorial Day Weekend, we joined Finn and his mom, Kris, at the Boulder Creek Festival today for a long day of fun activities. Declan tried mechanical bull riding and rock climbing, while Harrison tried kayaking. Everyone floated in giant bubbles, rode the train, and jumped in the 'jumpy houses'. It was definitely a day of trying new things!
"What is this thing going to do next?"
"Yee Haw!"
Kayaking Buddies!
Declan loved getting all 'geared up' and trying out the rock climbing, but he didn't really understand what to do. In a year or two, I bet he'll be climbing all the way to the top!
His favorite part was when he got to glide back down.
"I wasn't ready to be done."
Lunch at the 'Cheesecake Factory' with three little 'cheese balls'.
Getting 'sealed up' in the giant bubble!
After they seal you up, they roll you into the water.
Declan wasn't sure what to think when he was getting 'sealed up' and ready to go. But, he loved it and started crying when they got him out...even though he just floated on his tummy the whole time.